As we know, dental caries can cause pain, swelling, and you could even lose your tooth. The worse condition such as tooth sensitivity and root canal will appear if the decay is not treated properly. That is why you should treat your tooth well when you find a small decay on it. Otherwise, you should prevent dental caries with proper care of mouth and teeth, such as:

•    Care with Personal Hygiene

The main cause of dental caries is the bacteria and/or remained foods that produce acids and damage the enamel. That means that you should keep the hygiene of your teeth and mouth as the first prevention of dental caries. The personal hygiene care can start from the regular brushing of teeth. Brush your teeth at least twice a day; after breakfast and before bedtime. Teeth brushing can help remove the remaining foods and bacteria on your teeth quite effectively. Besides, use dental floss to clean the area between the teeth once a day for perfect clean teeth and plaque prevention. Furthermore, you can use mouthwashes for more hygiene care.

However, daily care of teeth sometimes is not enough to prevent dental caries. Some people still suffer from dental decay although they have cared their teeth well. It is because of the trapped foods between the inaccessible area of the teeth which cannot be removed by brushing, flossing, or mouthwashes. The trapped foods produce acids that will result in plaques and caries as well. Chewing celery can become a solution to neutralize the acids. The chewed celery and saliva will come into the inaccessible area and help preventing caries.

•    Modify Your Diet

Sugar and carbohydrate that produce acids in the mouth is one of the main causes of dental caries. For prevention, you should modify your diet by not consuming too much sugar and carbohydrate in a day. It means that too much snacks, sugary drinks, and sticky and sweet foods consumption is not recommended, because it causes high risk of dental caries. As the solution, you need to brush your teeth every time after the meal or snacking time. This dental caries prevention is also recommended for children. The little one should be limited in sugary and sweets consumption. Parents may also not let the kid sleeps with milk bottle in mouth.

•    Using Dental Sealant

Dental sealant is another way to prevent dental caries especially in children. The sealant will cover the teeth and protect from sticky carbohydrate, sugar and other food remaining that could cause dental caries. Besides, consuming foods and drinks consisting high calcium is also another solution for dental caries prevention. It protects and makes stronger the teeth so that prevents the decays on the enamels. Fluoride is also another substance that can protect teeth from caries. It is commonly found in toothpastes and mineral water.

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