Cavities also known as dental caries or tooth decay is a disease resulting from the damage of the tooth enamel. There are some different types of cavities or dental caries but the most common type is the coronal cavities, which is attacking the chewing teeth. According to many experts, cavities, dental caries or tooth decay is a very serious thing because if it is not treated immediately it could lead to some major illnesses. However, many people do not understand why cavities happen, so they are lack of awareness about the causes of dental caries.

Both Children and Adults Can Be Infected

Most children love sweets, so usually, they eat too much and it leads to dental caries or cavities. Even if our children are updating to brush their teeth, eating too much sweet can still cause the oral problem because not all the time toothbrush can effectively remove the foods’ particles. However, cavity can also happen to adults as well. Poor oral hygiene is the most common cause for adults having dental caries. They tend to forget a lot, especially when they are in a hurry. Some adults often eat late at night; experts said that after eating too much late at night, especially when the foods are rich in carbohydrates, they will get sleepy and the result is they forget to brush their teeth. They will remember about it when they find themselves wake up in the morning with bad breath. If both adults and children keep doing the habits, they will easily find cavities in their teeth and if they do not take the right treatments, it will get worse. Commonly, most dental caries are unnoticeable in their very first stages.

We will know if we are already having dental caries if we have the symptoms, such as:

Bad breath, it happens because the amount of lactic acid in our mouth is quite huge. Sometimes, we cannot notice ourselves if we have bad breath but other people around us are the one who will notice.
•    Toothache. This is the most common symptoms which will be felt if we have dental caries. An infection of the pulp of the tooth is the cause of the pain.
•    Loose fillings in the teeth.
•    A foul taste of the mouth, especially when we are swallowing the saliva.
•    Broken tooth and sensitivity from pressure.
•    Brown, black or gray spots on our tooth.

Because dental; caries can attack everyone, so we have to be aware. It is important for us to take care of our dietary habits, brushing twice a day and meeting dentists regularly. The pain caused by dental caries is much worse than scratches; if we have toothache because of it, we will be unable to do all activities properly.

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