Dental caries or also called tooth decay is a common dental disease that can attack everyone. If we have experienced toothache, we will know how great its effect on our day. Maybe, the infected area is small but the pain in that specific area of our mouth renders us incapable of finishing even a simple task. But, what is caries etiology? How can we prevent it?

The simple definition of what causes tooth decay or dental caries is the loss of certain amount of mineral in the tooth, which is usually called as demineralization. The process takes place because of the presence of particular acids that are produced by specific types of bacteria on the surface of the tooth. The bacteria itself usually live in dental plaque.

The bacteria produce acids using sugars from the foods we eat, which is also its food source. The lactose, sucrose or glucose become the base for the lactic acid production that causes demineralization of dentin and tooth enamel resulting cavities and tooth decay. Simply we can say the causes of dental caries are:

•    Poor dental care: It is suggested by experts to brush and floss teeth twice a day at least, in the morning and before bedtime. Brushing regularly will help us control plaque that builds up in the teeth surface. It also helps us maintain the cleanliness of our mouth that automatically will control the growth of bacteria. But, it is also recommended to meet dentist on a regular basis to make sure and get the treatment whenever he finds something wrong.
•    Poor diet: Bacteria in the mouth also eat whenever we eat or drink sweets. After 20 minutes, the bacteria will transform the sugar into lactic acid.
•    Deficiency of fluoride: Fluoride is a substance that helps fight and prevent tooth decay. Fluoride strengthens the enamel and makes it stronger against the lactic acids. That is why, the water we drink and the toothpaste we use should have fluoride.
•    Smoking cigarettes: Smoking cigarette is a very dangerous thing. The habit can also cause tooth decay as well as other serious health problems.
•    Drinking alcohol: Drinking alcoholic beverages is also a bad habit that must be stopped. Alcoholic beverages also contain huge amount of sugar, which is the food of bacteria.

To eliminate decay or solving caries problems, we need professional help. We have to remember that having one cavity is like having an infection that will spread bacteria throughout our mouth. When the decay has been removed from our mouth and we follow good dietary habits, we will be able to get excellent oral health. So, let us start to live healthier from now before bacteria infect our mouth, teeth and causes serious unexpected problems.

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