Archive for 2014
Tips to Treat Cavities
Having good and healthy teeth will increase our self-confidence. Today, we cannot deny that the teeth condition is one point that will be considered if you search for the job. That is the reason why many people start to be aware of their teeth condition. They try to use high quality toothpastes and good quality toothbrushes to maintain their teeth. In this modern era, we should be aware of our teeth condition because it can give good impact or the opposite to the other people we meet. If we have beautiful smiles with clean teeth and good breath fragrant then other people will respect us.
How Can We Handle the Cavities?
The question related to cavities is never easy to answer. Cavities are not a new problem in our life. Almost everybody has experienced to have cavities on their teeth. Maybe our parents do not have good knowledge of caring our teeth since we were a baby. Therefore, we should take care of the cavity problem by ourselves. Cavities can disturb our appearance because it can make us produce the bad smell from our mouth. Handling cavities require us to be a discipline person. Here are some of the tips to treat the cavities in your mouth.
• The most important thing you should do is brushing your teeth regularly at least twice a day. The more you brush your teeth especially after you eat or drink something then your teeth will be cleaner.
• Go to the dentist regularly to check with the condition of your cavities. If the condition is getting worst then you should take some mini operation to make the teeth perfect again.
• Consuming vegetables and fruits is recommended to give vitamin C to your teeth.
• If your cavities are big enough and it is impossible for the dentist to repair it, then the dentist will usually suggest you to pull the tooth off. You do not need to be afraid because you will be given local anesthetic so that you will not feel the pain.
• Another important thing that you have to do is controlling your food and drink consumption because too much sweet favor will make your teeth condition worse.
• Choose a good toothbrush that is suitable with your teeth and mouth shape.
• Use the recommended toothpaste from your dentist to prevent the bad effect for your teeth.
Getting the cavities on your teeth will never become a big problem if you are regularly visiting the dentist. Cavities have the symptom before it is getting bigger and you can immediately patch your teeth to get the normal teeth condition. After you get the treatment for your cavities then make sure that you do not forget to brush your teeth regularly in the right and proper way.
Get the Beautiful Smile with Braces
Having a problem with your teeth is not a bad thing anymore. Today, we can get a better appearance with perfect smile by using braces. Of course, you have to get more consultation with your dentist about it. Taking a decision to have braces on your teeth is not a simple thing. We can have a perfect smile but we can also have the worst ever. Today, you can find many cheap braces offered in the market. However, you should consult with the dentist before deciding to have such braces. The dentist will check your teeth condition then decide whether it is important for you to have braces or not.
Before you take the decision to use the braces, you should know why you are recommended to use it:
• You have the bad teeth shape
• You need to recover your mouth shape
• You have wrong jaw shape
If you have those criteria in your mouth, teeth and jaw then the dentist may suggest you to get the braces. Of course, you will pay high for every detail of your braces when you buy it from the dentist. Your teeth and mouth will be checked first and the dentist will make your teeth shape and mould it as the sample before the dentist create the size of the braces. The dentist will not put the braces on your teeth before they check whether you have the wrong position of teeth that need to be alienated or not. You also need to wait for the braces. The good braces are made from the good quality of plastic and wire. It will not cause some infection in your mouth. That is the reason why the price will be so expensive. You may find the braces that have unique shape with colorful accessories at very cheap prices, but you should be aware of the quality of the wire and the plastic. Wearing braces is meant to make your smile better and have the better shape of your jaw and mouth. It should not make your life worst.
Buying the braces from the dentist will be a better choice. The dentist will guarantee for the braces and you will be required to check your mouth condition at least once a month. It also has limited time to wear the braces. If your mouth condition is good enough then you may put your braces off. Now, you can have a real and beautiful smile. Wearing braces also needs a good treatment. There are some instructions that you have to follow when you decide to use braces. You cannot eat something hard or bit some food hardly because it can make the wire broken.
Natural Ways to Whiten Your Teeth
Having yellow teeth will make us feel unconfident. You need to remember that your daily habit can give bad effect to your teeth. If you are an active smoker or you love to drink too much caffeine then your white teeth will change into yellow. The yellow teeth can change to the worst one with plaque and cavities. Of course you do not want to have that teeth condition. If you want to have your normal and white teeth back then you can follow the tips below.
The Traditional Ways to Make Your Teeth White
If you want to make your teeth get the normal color then you need to stop your bad habit. You had better stop smoking. Drink more mineral water or other drinks which are free from caffeine. Maybe you think that your habit of smoking and drinking caffeine is okay because today you can find the great toothpastes that can prevent the bad process of your teeth, but of course there is no fact showing that the toothpaste works well.
· Get the betel nuts then burn it. After burning it, then you have to rub it into the surface of your teeth. Get the cotton material to brush the teeth. Do the activity twice a week.
· Take a few bay leaves then grill to a powder, add the lemon powder then brush it to your teeth. Do it regularly until you find the amazing result on your teeth.
In doing the traditional treatment to make your teeth white, you have to be patient. Of course, it needs process and time to get your white teeth back without any side effects. Although you need to wait longer, the result will be more permanent than the instant ways.
The Modern Ways to Make Your Teeth White
If you do not believe in the traditional ways of making your teeth better then you may move to the modern ways. In this modern era, you can find many-sophisticated dental clinic that can give you good result in a short time. You do not need to wait longer with some complicated ways but you have to spend much money to pay the procedure. It usually needs consultation with the dentist. The dentist will see the part of the teeth that can be changed. The treatment will usually use the laser. You will see the difference immediately. Besides, you may also have the following treatments to keep the white color stay. You know that the instant way will never give you a permanent result. You should keep your smoke hobby away then visit your dentist once a month. Be careful with the laser treatment because sometimes you are only recommended to do it three times.
Early Child Hood Dental Care
Baby’s teeth begin to form even before birth, just because you can't see the teeth doesn't mean they aren't there. A child's dental care really starts with his or her mother's healthy pregnancy. That’s why a pregnant mother, have to eat a balanced, nutritious diet and get an adequate amount of vitamins and minerals, and have a complete dental exam and have any cavities or gum disease treated. Usually the first primary teeth begin to break through the gums at about 6 months of age, and they will lose his or her primary teeth between the ages of 6 and 11.
It will be best to start the good oral health habits before the permanent teeth come in. Usually the child dental care starts at 12 months old. At this visit, the dentist will explain the proper brushing and flossing techniques (you need to floss once your baby has two teeth) and conduct a modified exam while your baby sits on your lap.
Such visits can help in the early detection of potential problems, and help kids become used to visiting the dentist so they'll have less fear about going to the dentist as they grow older. After that, schedule regular visits every 6 months or as your dentist recommends. You can help prevent the early childhood tooth decay, by having all the family members’ practices good dental care health habits. There are some basic dental cares that you can start to add in as a good habit at home.
1. Do not put your infant toddlers to bed with a bottle of milk, formula, juice or other products containing sugar, because it can cause tooth decay. As the baby has done the feeding or asleep, remove the bottles immediately. And encourage your baby to begin drinking from a cup when he or she is already 6 months old.
2. Do not share spoons, forks and other utensils with baby, the saliva that may leave there can cause tooth decay. Sometimes even kissing can also transfer bacteria.
3. Help your child to stop sucks his or her fingers.
4. Try to avoid foods that have high sugar and processed carbohydrates, and give nutritious foods to maintain the healthy gums, develop strong teeth and avoid tooth decay.
5. Keep your child away from cigarette smoke even to be a second hand smoke, and as your child grows, teach him or her about the dangers of smoking and second hand smoke.
6. Start cleaning your child's teeth with a soft cloth or gauze pad as soon as the teeth come in, and teach them not to swallow the toothpaste. As they grow up, children can learn how to brush his or her teeth at about 3 years old. A good teaching method is to have your child brush in the morning and at night until your child masters the skill.
Don't be afraid to question the dentist. Giving your child an early start on checkups and good dental hygiene is an effective way to help prevent this kind of extensive dental work. Your partnership with the dentist will help ensure the healthy teeth.